Alternative Movie Poster Monday: 2001 A Space Odyssey

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1968 gave us one of THE preeminent sci-fi films of all-time.  We aren’t kidding, it is still as thought-provoking and visually captivating as it was 55 years ago.  (POTENTIALLY even MORE given the film’s themes of extraterrestrial life and AI.)  We’d even say it was ahead of it’s time and that folks watching it back in 1968 must have been astounded when they feasted their eyes upon the visual smorgasbord that director Stanley Kubrick laid out before them.  Of course we are talking about Kubrick’s monumental sci-fi masterpiece, “2001: A Space Odyssey.”  Here are 2 original theatrical posters, including the Polish version along with the trailer and official synopsis.

US style D poster



Polish Theatrical Poster

With 2001: A Space Odyssey, director Stanley Kubrick redefined the limits of filmmaking in this classic science fiction masterpiece; a contemplation on the nature of humanity. 2001: A Space Odyssey spans from the dawn of man to its title year. Stone Age Earth: In the presence of a mysterious black obelisk, pre-humans discover the use of tools — and weapons — violently taking first steps toward intelligence. 1999: On Earth’s moon astronauts uncover another mysterious black obelisk. 2001: Between Earth and Jupiter, the spacecraft’s intelligent computer makes a mistake that kills most of the human crew — then continues to kill to hide its error. Beyond Time: The sole survivor of the journey to Jupiter ascends to the next level of humanity.Based on the short story The Sentinel by Arthur C. Clarke, 2001: A Space Odyssey showed the way for all other special effects-laden films that followed.

Creator: Warner Bros. | Credit: AP

This conversation can serve no purpose anymore” so let’s just look at this week’s Alternative Movie Poster Monday art for Stanley Kubrick’s “2001: A Space Odyssey.

Alexandre Vaz


Neil Davies


Andi Ewington


Nikita Kaun


Boris Pelcer


Matt Griffin


Rafal Rola


Alistair Little


Scott Woolston


Greg Ruth

So… which ones are your favorites?  Seriously, we could have kept going.  There is SO much incredible art out there inspired by this film it boggles the mind.  Feel free to comment below or share on your socials.  Thanks for stopping by, stay awesome!







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