Alternative Movie Poster Monday: Close Encounters of the Third Kind

August 7, 2023
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“We didn’t choose this place! We didn’t choose these people! They were invited!” – Laughlin

In 1977 Steven Spielberg changed my life, for the second time.  I was 11 years old and went to see my first “big boy” movie at the theater, “Close Encounters of the Third Kind.”  I’ve never looked at the night sky the same way ever since I walked out of that theater in awe.  Now, 46 years later, the film is still one of my all-time favorites.


Here is an original poster including an official Japanese version along with this week’s alternative movie posters.

Richard Dreyfuss stars as cable worker Roy Neary, who along with several other stunned bystanders experience a close encounter of the first kind – witnessing UFOs soaring across the sky. After this life-changing event, the inexplicable vision of a strange, mountain-like formation haunts him. He becomes obsessed with discovering what it represents, much to the dismay of his wife and family. Meanwhile, bizarre occurrences are happening around the world. Government agents have close encounters of the second kind – discovering physical evidence of extraterrestrial visitors in the form of a lost fighter aircraft from World War II and a stranded military ship that disappeared decades earlier only to suddenly reappear in unusual places. Roy continues to chase his vision to a remote area where he and the agents follow the clues that have drawn them to reach a site where they will have a close encounter of the third kind – contact.

Paul Mann


Mark Levy


James Hobson


Dan Mumford




Todd Slater


Casey Callender


Callum Seymour


Samer Alkaabi

Head down to the comments section below and let us know which ones are your favorites. Do YOU have a film that would be a good topic for Alternative Movie Poster Monday?  Let us know down below and as always, thanks for stopping by and stay awesome.


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