Alternative Movie Poster Monday: Jaws

August 28, 2023
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"Is it true that most people get attacked by sharks in three feet of water about ten feet from the beach?" - Brody

1975 and Steven Spielberg changed my life. I was 11 years old and BEGGED my parents to go see the new Spielberg movie, “Jaws.”  Of course they said, “No” but I was relentless.  Eventually they gave in and ever since then, I have never looked at the ocean the same way.  The quote we used from Brody is now how we approach the ocean… which is a shame because it’s such a fascinating part of our planet.

Here’s the 1975 poster along with a Thai version.



Andrew Swainson


Laurent Durieux


Andy Fairhurst


Paul Mann


Phantom City Creative


Sam Gilbey


Matt Ryan Tobin


Yvan Quinet




Casey Callender


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