Alternative Movie Poster Monday: Midnight Mass

October 2, 2023
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“Be not afraid…”

Okay, everybody just simmer down!  We know that ‘Midnight Mass‘ is not a movie.  What it IS though, is one of the best things we have watched on TV.  PLUS, it played out like a movie.  Mike Flanagan is one of our most favorite, most beloved directors and his films/ TV series have captured our dark imagination like no other.  We were so overwhelmingly entranced by Midnight Mass we decieded, “Screw it! Let’s break protocol and do an Alternative Movie Poster Monday about a TV series.

Midnight Mass first hit Netflix in September of 2021.  For us to say we loved it is an incredible understatement.  The casting, acting, pacing, camera work, score, soundtrack, setting, EVERYTHING is just perfection.  Keep in mind that we are old, we’ve been watching TV for more years than some of you have been alive.  Midnight Mass is in our top 10 TV series of all-time.  When we run across someone who hasn’t seen it yet we are SO ENVIOUS!  We’d sell a kidney to be able to watch it for the first time all over again.

“A young man returns to his isolated hometown on Crockett Island, hoping to rebuild his life after serving four years in prison for killing someone in a drunk-driving incident. He arrives at the same time as a mysterious, charismatic young priest who begins to revitalise the town’s flagging faith. However, the community’s divisions are soon exacerbated by the priest’s deeds while mysterious events befall the small town.”

Ok, we’re pretty confident that you now have a grasp of how much we treasure this miniseries.  Here are some alternative posters for the miniseries that has stayed with us since we first viewed it years ago.

Created by Audrey Estok


Created by The Dark Inker


Created by SG Posters


Created by Chris Garofalo


Created by Chelsea Lowe


Created by Andy Fairhurst


Created by Shalida


Created by Charles Rutter



Created by PL Boucher


Walker Wyn


Liza Shumska


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