Luke Chueh’s New Solo Show, “Peering Through the Darkness” Opens Aug. 26th at the Corey Helford Gallery

August 25, 2023

We are excited to share that artist Luke Chueh is launching a new solo show at the Corey Helford Gallery in Los Angeles starting August 26th and going through September 30th.  Luke’s work is instantly recognizable, highly coveted and “Peering Through The Darkness” will give you a chance to get up and close with his brilliance as well as offer you a chance to make your walls very happy.  Here is the official details for “Peering Through The Darkness.”

“Outside Looking Inside (Peering Through the Darkness Part 2)”


August 26, 2023 | 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm


August 26 – September 30, 2023


571 S. Anderson St. Los Angeles, CA 90033

Open: Tuesday-Saturday, 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm

(310) 287-2340

The next major solo show from established Los Angeles art scene painter Luke Chueh, titled Peering Through the Darkness, set to debut at Los Angeles’ Corey Helford Gallery (CHG) on August 26th and be on view through September 30th.

Walking Through The Valley

Edge Break

Chueh is a Chinese-American contemporary artist known for his insightful and thought-provoking commentary on modern society and the human experience. Through his distinctive style that blends elements of pop art, minimalism, and surrealism, the artist explores the complexities of human emotions, relationships, and identity. In his works, Chueh often employs anthropomorphic characters (such as bears or rabbits) to serve as metaphorical stand-ins for the human condition. These characters are depicted in various scenarios, ranging from the absurd to the melancholy, that reflect the range of human experiences and emotions.

Pill Head

Face to Face

Chueh’s work is both haunting and humorous, inviting the viewer to contemplate their own experiences and question the world around them. He tackles difficult and controversial topics (such as loneliness, depression, and the meaning of existence), challenging viewers to confront their own fears and insecurities. Through his art, Chueh encourages us to question our place in the world and to reflect on the human experience in all its beauty, tragedy, and absurdity. Featuring nineteen new works, Peering Through the Darkness marks Chueh’s first major solo show at CHG since Intensive Purposes (Feb. 2021).

Banana and Capybara


In their 2017 artist profile, Juxtapoz proclaimed, “With a carnal instinct…Luke Chueh creates work that stimulates our most primal constructs. His paintings favor compositions that are simple and direct, and usually feature a solitary anthropomorphic figure stuck in a self-reflective stupor within a frozen monochromatic void. A first look at one of his images evokes the warm and fuzzy, the stuffed teddy bear you cuddled as a child. But then a glimmer of despair emanates from the inertia, revealing something troubling within the tableau. Chueh’s work over the past decade has become widely popular and extensively imitated. His distinct style sets his work apart from the output by others of similar ilk. The prolific artist boasts a singular brand…”


Open to the public and free of charge, Peering Through the Darkness is set to debut on Saturday, August 26th from 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm in CHG’s Gallery 2, alongside a solo show from Pop-Surrealist painter, illustrator, character creator, and comic artist Camilla d’Errico, titled Nurtured by Nature, in the Main Gallery and the annual BUY ART SAVE KITTENS fundraiser (presented in partnership with Kitty Bungalow Charm School for Wayward Cats) in Gallery 3. All three shows will be on view through September 30th.


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Luke Chueh’s New Solo Show, “Peering Through the Darkness” Opens Aug. 26th at the Corey Helford Gallery


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