Peter Mohrbacher’s ‘Angelarium’ Books Feature Art, Not of This World

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Peter Mohrbacher is an artist out of Florida and since 2005 he has been obsessed with angles.  So much so, that he now creates incredible fantasy art, full time, and it’s all based off of angels.  Some of you may hear the word ‘angels’ and have a preconceived notion of what you think Peter’s angels may look like.  We have a strong feeling you are way off base.  Here is what he had to say about his fascination with these ethereal beings.


It was the names that got me inspired.  Back in 2005, I discovered that there were thousands of named angels throughout multiple mythologies. I’ve been hooked ever since and Angelarium has been a part of my life every single day. Even when I’m not paying attention to it, it’s gone out on the internet and had a life of its own. The name of the project has come to define the idea of surreal angelic figures and the fan base around it has inspired me to continue to create new designs for it. – Peter Mohrbacher

Peter has 2 sensational books full of his art available in his store: ‘Angelarium: Book of Emanations’ and ‘Angelarium: Book of Watchers

Book 1 in the Angelarium series. Contains art, poems, and short stories from the journeys of Enoch.

  • 96 page hardcover artbook – 9×12 inches

Available to order HERE


Book 2 in the Angelarium series. Contains art, poems, and short stories from the journeys of Enoch.

  • 112 page hardcover artbook – 9×12 inches

Available to order HERE

There is also an option to bundle the books together and save $10.  CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS VERSION

Use the following links to follow Peter’s work, it truly is astonishing.







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