The Terrifying Horror Game “Don’t Scream” Warns You… Don’t Gasp…Don’t Whimper, Don’t Cry… And Whatever you Do… Don’t Scream Or It’s All Over

October 25, 2023
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As Spooky Season winds down, there is some darkness at the end of the tunnel.  Are you easily scared?  Are you faint of heart? Do you hate jump scares? Do things that go bump in the night cause you to gasp!?  Well, you are going to have your hands full with a new video game called “Don’t Scream.”


In the ever-evolving world of video games, every now and then, a title emerges that captivates the hearts and minds of gamers around the world. “Don’t Scream,” the brainchild of independent game developers Joure and Joe, is sure to be the latest sensation to join this elite club, offering a unique blend of horror and immersive storytelling.

Pineview Forest, a name that might sound serene and peaceful, is anything but. This vast, dense woodland is the setting for “Don’t Scream.” The forest is alive with the sounds of nature, but as night falls, those sounds are replaced by whispers, footsteps, and other eerie noises that are not of this world. The game’s environment is meticulously designed, with every rustling leaf and distant owl hoot adding to the atmosphere of dread.

The realistic rendering of the forest, combined with dynamic lighting effects, makes for an immersive experience. The sound design is equally impressive. The eerie sounds of the forest, ensuring that players are on the edge of their seats throughout their journey.

Don’t Scream” is a short horror experience developed using Unreal Engine 5 and inspired by 90’s camcorder found footage. It is designed especially to make players jump. You can even describe it as a scare simulator. It does not feature a story line and the only challenge is to explore the mysterious Pineview Forest for 18 minutes without screaming. If you scream, the game will restart from the beginning.

Sounds simple right? Welllllll… there is a catch. Time will only progress when you move around, and you cannot predict the scares at all. The game has a unique feature that uses the microphone in-game which is compulsory. Every whimper, jump, or even a minor squeak is registered as a scream, hence increasing the challenge.

Here is what to expect from the game’s voice control:

“1. Calibrate Your Microphone: Set it up in-game. It’s not just tech setup; it defines your challenge. A mere squeak or quiet gasp should be flagged as a scream, causing you to restart.

2. Mind Your Voice: You can talk during gameplay, but keep it low – slightly softer than normal. Too loud and it’s game over.

3. Play Fair: You could bypass calibration to shout through scares, but it’d spoil the thrill. For a genuine horror experience play as designed.”

For those brave enough to enter Pineview Forest, “Don’t Scream” promises an unforgettable experience. Just remember to keep quiet, or you might just become another lost soul in the woods.  “Don’t Scream” will be available on Steam Early Access starting from 27 October and you can also put it on your wish list on the same platform.

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