Wanna Get Back At Your Know-It-All Nemesis? We Can Help

August 16, 2023
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We all have them.  Whether it’s a friend or a foe, we all know someone who seems to THINK they know everything.  And we’d be willing to bet that, like us, it has gotten under your skin from time to time.  Well author Shane Carley has a way for you to pivot and get ahead of these antagonists with a book that is simply titled, “True Facts That Sound Like Bulls#*t.”


The stuff in this book will have even your biggest “problem person” scratching their heads when you share the knowledge within.  This books contents contain, “Strange but True Nature Facts,” “Out-of-this-World Space, Facts,” “Star-Studded Pop Culture Facts,” and “Outrageous Facts from the World of Sports,” to name a few.

Did you know that,  “Hippopotamus sweat is pink?” or that “about 25% of ALL life on earth is beetles, this includes plants.”  We have a feeling that the answer you give will be “No,” which is exactly the point.  Stump and amazing your friends while keeping the know-it-alls in their place.


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